
I've gone Sale-ing

In my last post, I mentioned that my Mom was going to have a Garage Sale last weekend, and I was going to help. Well I helped alright. I helped myself right into taking home quite a few choice pieces to add to my collection addiction:

I brought home three new additions to my ever growing mercury glass collection. These pieces all have been painted with floral images which indicates they are truly vintage and not a recent reproduction.

I loved this Mercury Glass bowl, even though it may be newer. It is such a great shape.

I also collect vintage shell boxes. These two were so charming I couldn't resist.

These little flamingos and the cactus trees somehow found there way back home with me. I just couldn't leave them for strangers to take home...even if they were nice strangers.

This had to come home with me. I do not have any idea who the man in the water is, but I make up stories in my head about him every time I see him. I think this frame was made in Mexico. I have yet to open the back up to see if there is any identification for this mystery man. I almost don't want to know. The picture looks like it could be from the 30's, and the frame is just cracks me up. Had to have it.

An old kilim pillow found a new home in my leather wing back.

This is an example of a Tramp Art box. I love the sculptural quality it has. It was made probably in the 30's, but has such a contemporary feel to it.

This is how the lid opens. Clever!

And there were books. Lots of books. My summer reading list is full! I particularly love this Pottery reference book. Very hard to find and beautiful!

At first, I thought the last thing I needed was another dated cookbook. But then who could pass up Martha in this dress? Ah, the good ole days when women across the country dressed like the Texas polygamists. Love ya Martha! But there really are some great recipes in here too.

These are a few of the things that got away: Adirondack twig tables

And large scale antique bird cages.

I may still have to go back and snag this cage. It has not yet sold. Just not sure where to put it. Hmmmm.

What was the thing you found at a Garage Sale that you never regretted hauling home?


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