
A Little Nook Look

Hi Everyone!

I am sorry I have been a little busy lately! It took alot of time the last couple of weeks to get ready for the Curtis Park Home Tour. I took alot of pictures, and I have seen some wonderful pictures taken by the very talented Rudy Calpo which I want to show to you all. I will be posting about the home tour by the end of the week, so I hope you come back and check it out!

It was a perfect day....bright blue skies and temps in the high 70's. It had rained a day before, so the air was crisp and everything was washed clean. There were so many friends to see and everyone involved with the tour, the organizers, the docents, and all of the members of the Model A car club were just wonderful.

The photo above is just a little nook in my house between the main floor and the basement. It is a space often overlooked....but it is a pretty little space. I hope you enjoy!


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