
The Skirted Roundtable


ok ok ok – here’s what I’ve been working on for a while, really secretively!  A new endeavor.  Just think, how many times have you said to yourself that you just wished you could listen to Cote de Texas lecture about interior design or blogging?   Never?   Oh, come on!!!    Well, if you DID ever wish it – now you actually can listen to all my thoughts, out loud!  I’ve teamed up with Linda Merrill from ::Surroundings:: and Megan Arquette from Beach Bungalow 8 to do a “radio” show!   Each week, we’ll be talking about interior design and blogging in short intervals (15 minutes) for all those with A.D.D. out there.  It won’t take up too much of your time to listen, so please do!!!   We’ve set up a new blog to put the recordings on it – The Skirted Roundtable – located here.


The radio show won’t be live, it will be taped – due to technical issues, schedules, children, husbands, barking dogs and noisy garage doors.   Since it’s not live – we’re asking the readers to leave us comments on topics you want to hear discussed.  AND – we want to have guest hosts – just like The View, so be sure to let us know if you are game for that.


Long time readers will understand our name for the radio show The Skirted Roundtable – a play on words for a lot of things, along with a fond remembrance of one of the earliest design blogosphere’s dustup:  skirted tables – love them or hate them.    I’m sure one day, we’ll probably get around to talking about skirted tables too.  


So…..head over to The Skirted Roundtable blog and listen away.  There are two shows up already, all you have to do is hit the button to play them.  We hope you enjoy it and we really hope you’ll come back and listen next week too!!!!


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