Floral Bouquets
Last weekend….well pretty much every weekend….we go to the Sacramento Farmers Market to replenish our stock of fruits and vegetables. This time of year is absolutely the best. As soon as I find a place to park and enter the market…an almost overwhelming feeling of giddy wellbeing enters my body. The booths are overflowing and the the early morning crowds with their rolling wire shopping baskets and reusable shopping bags throng the asphalt parking lots shaded by the freeway overpass. Where during the week, a sea of grey concrete is the expected scene, I see color and texture and movement.
This is one of my “happy places”. There is something about looking over all of the bounty and picking out my own treasures, taking out my coins and handing them to the vendors as they hand me a bag from the scale that pleases me to no end.
I find inspiration here……and I imagine rooms in the colors I find:
Floral Bouquet by Veronica Swanson Beard from Elle Decor , June 2009, Photo by Simon Upton
Purple Onion
Purple Onion by Jeffrey Bilhuber from House Beautiful, March 2009, Photo by Julian Wass
Strawberries by Jeffrey Bilhuber from Defining Luxury
White and Red Cherries
White and Red Cherries by Alessandra Branca from Elle Decor, May 2009, Photo by Joshua McHugh
Asparagus by Jeffrey Bilhuber from Defining Luxury
I hope you have an inspiring weekend!