
What Is In That Box?!

I had a delivery at my house last Friday. And there were two very curious canines ready to help me open two largish boxes. There was a label on the outside from one of my favorite retail websites. But pups can't they were anxious to get them open.

Two of these cross-leg stools were inside! I was in need of some extra seating in my living room and had been searching for some affordable stools for awhile. Originally I was hell bent on finding a pair of these:

Photo from Style and Substance by Margaret Russell from Elle Decor

A pair of Jean-Michel Frank stools like this white one used by Albert Hadley . And mind you....I have not given up the search. But I need something in the meantime.

So Nullah and Cooper kept me company while I opened my boxes. They were very patient and did lots of sniffing and playing with wrappings.

They stood a watched while I moved them and inch this way and that.

So here they are, and here they will stay....until I can track down a pair of Jean-Michel Frank stools in my price range. I saw a stool "in the manner of" Jean-Michel Frank that was priced at over $5000 in my online search, so I do not think my new stools will be going anywhere soon. (Perhaps I can have something made.....always an option.)

But I do think Cooper approves.


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