This past week my friend and neighbor put her house up for sale. Why? They want more room for their three children. Space for kids and all their 'stuff' is the most common reason people move to a bigger house.
But what if you don't want to move or can't trade-up? A quiet corner can always be found for a baby and crib along with extra drawer space for those darling little clothes. But what about toddlers and their 'developmental' toys? Or grade-school kids and all the equipment that goes with the 'I'm trying out for everything phase' or the newest 'everyone has one' gadget/toy? And where do you put a 6' 1" teen age boy and his library of video gaming equipment? What about a moody 16-year-old girl, her make-up, hair accessories and all those clothes?
Many of you are literally standing on the answer. Put the kids and all their stuff in the basement!
Here is how I do it.
Until next time!