
HELLO! What about Richard Meier?!?

Well, with all of the ruckus about Gwyneth in the November issue of House and Garden, the quick article about Richard Meier, one of the greatest living architects EVER, sort of got lost in the shuffle.

I found it extremely interesting to find that he, like many of us, has a penchant for collecting. One would think he would live in the classically pristine interiors that he creates for clients. And to some degree that is true. But when it comes to books, he seems undone. I admire that in a person.

I was wondering if he told a friend once that he likes Matisse, and that friend bought him a book about Matisse. That friend told another, and pretty soon, he has a collection of every art book ever written about Matisse, Picasso, etc. Kind of like when you mention to someone that you like owls, so that's what you get every Christmas now from everyone you know.

I do love how his stacks have become like sculptures. They look like the guests in his Living Room. And I suppose they are.

All photos, House and Garden, November 2007, photography by Oberto Gili


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