
Scenes From My Sister's Jewel Box Home

Happy Holidays! I've just returned from Thanksgiving with my sister - Kelley's - family and wanted to share the wonderful Jewel Box elements she has in her home.

A Cozy Window Seat. My sister chose to build a window seat in a tight and awkward corner of her family room. This space is not only beautiful, but functional. It provides storage and a comfortable place for her children (she has three) to relax. Notice her use of photo frames as black accents, and the sunny yellow wall that beautifully complements the green pillows and seat cushion.
A Mirror on the Fireplace Mantel. A fireplace is an ideal spot for a mirror. It reflects light and adds life to the room by showcasing family life. Make the the mirror the focal point and add accents for interest. Kelley has done an expert job of adding detail with accessories without creating clutter.

Wall Art. Accessories and wall art are the finishing touches for any beautifully decorated space. The right accessories can bring a room to life, the wrong accessories will destroy an otherwise beautiful space. In her home, Kelley has followed a simple design trick and placed her wall accessories in groups of threes. Objects grouped in odd numbers, are more pleasing to the eye. Kelley has also chosen wall accessories that reflect her personality. The stars highlight her preference for an American Cottage feel and the photos in the basement hall showcase her dogs and cat. It all comes together beautifully because Kelley has shown restraint and refused to clutter the walls with oddly matched frames or wildly random photos.

A big thank you to Kelley for her hospitality over Thanksgiving and the chance to show off her lovely home. And it looks this good even though she has a husband, three children - aged 9 through 17 - two dogs, a cat and fish!



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