

Well, well well! I am very happy to say that Metropolitan Home is starting off the New Year right. I had my worries in the past. I have to say that last year, things really stated to turn around, and this year is looking to be a bright one! There are still a few of the uber-contemporary glass box houses, but there is definitely a mix of bright, happy, whimsical, as well as sophisticated, "collected", unique interiors to whet any appetite.

The two bedroom Miami Apartment of Rite Motta and her husband Michael Perez is a knock out! They transformed a typical white box into a treasure box with DIY custom pillows and chandeliers, flea market finds as well as higher end furniture. This place allows those of us with not much cash, but a creative bug to dream big! Rita made the red chandelier in the photo above as well as the ink blot pillow. Love-em.

Rita's brother. Ricardo Motta, created the bedside lamp. OK people, if you have creative talent in the family, USE THEM! Don't be shy. See where it got Rita? Another great room where the nightstand is flea market, and pillows sewn by Rita. And, yes, a little Anthropologie thrown in never hurt (sheets). Take a look at METHOME for some more really great shots of this happy place!

And there is the, be still my heart, home of David Cruz of Blackman Cruz in LA. Can you believe the stuff this guy finds? And the custom furniture designs of Blackman Cruz are anything but boring. He had a bit of help with the design of the home's bones from designer Jane Hallworth (see the article for the fab kitchen and baths!) , but you can tell the furnishings are pure Cruz.

Here is that "collected" look I was talking about in the Dining Room: Blackman Cruz Workshop Dining Table, early 20th century Japanese screen, 1940's oak sofa from France, 1930's Italian light fixture and 1930's French armchairs. Sigh...I am going to have to go hunting soon!

The day of New Years Eve, I had about five magazines thunk onto the floor through my front door mail slot. Metropolitan got my vote for best of the lot this time!


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