
Random Tablescape and Your Thoughts

It has been a challenge juggling things this week. Perhaps it is the end of the school year for my two kids, one graduating up to High School, the other testing for college. Perhaps the going away party we had last weekend for a good friend who is moving to Martha's Vineyard played a part. Perhaps the starting of a new design business and the best part: the wonderful new clients that I have been fortunate to meet from this little blog.

I have run out of time today. But I wanted to share a little something. It represents a little juggling act itself. There is the Andy Warhol poster my mother has had since her days working at the Ace Gallery in Venice Beach in the '70's. There is my prized Empire State Building light. No monetary value to speak of....I just love it. There is my tramp art box, and the tops my father played with as a kid....and a couple of antlers thrown in. All of it sits on top of a glass table top left over from a client's project and two IKEA trestle table legs cut down to fit. It is an ever-changing grouping of things I like...sort of like life. Changing it up every once and awhile makes it more interesting.

Which brings me to the question: I have done a little juggling around with the blog layout . Do you like the wider format with larger pictures? (The plan is to enlarge the banner to fit as well.) Or is it easier for you to read in a more compact format? I would love to hear your thoughts. After all are why I am here. Thank you all for reading and commenting. It really does make my day.

And I promise...the next installment of the San Francisco Decorator Showcase House is on it's way!


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