
The Skirted Roundtable – Week Three



Run, don’t walk, over to The Skirted Roundtable to listen to this week’s gabfest where the new topic is “Decorating On a Budget,” which is filled with ideas and tips on how to save money while decorating.  The Blogging topic of the week, “Photography on Blogs,” will be up in the next day or two.  



And big news!!!!!!!   I bought a new microphone!!!!  So the sound quality is much better this week – you can really hear my whiney, nasally voice loud and clear now.  Megan is going to get one for the next week.  And,  I loved the anonymous comment on how I pronounce Cote deeee Texas.   Not sure how to pronounce “Cote de Texas” like a French person would, so if anyone knows  - tell me!!!


And even more big news!!!!!    We are now on I-Tunes!!  You can subscribe to The Skirted Roundtable on I-Tunes.  Search for us there!!!


Finally, speaking for my radio partners Megan and Linda, we are having such a blast doing these shows and we hope y’all are enjoying them too.  Thank you so much for listening – I can’t tell you how much your support means to us!!! 


To listen go here:


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