
Introductions Are In Order

Meet Nullah, our newest little diva. She has an "on" switch and an "off" switch. So please forgive the photo quality. I am dealing with a subject who just cannot hold a pose, unless she is in the "off" position.

She immediately let us know that the floor was not her idea of an appropriate resting place.

But Cooper quickly started to show her the ropes. Notice that he has been relegated to the cold hard floor. Such a nice big brother.

"Off" switch. She is so tuckered out from racing around the yard,eating the flowers from all of the flower beds, trying out all of the upholstery items, and redecorating our Family Room to a very "Zen" look, that the floor was OK. But just this once.

She is learning quickly the best spots to watch Tim make dinner. Cooper is turning out to be the perfect big brother.

I hope to get some better pictures soon. My computer had a tiny meltdown, (hence the the slow down in posts....well that, and the new puppy!) and my previous photo editing program is no longer functioning. This is my first shot at using Picasa. I am finding that when manipulating/editing photos, the resolution gets worse and worse. Picasa looked like it would be great at first, but not happy with the results so far. Maybe it's me. Anyone have any tips? Anyone have any tips?


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