
Small Stylish Houses from Cote de Texas

Small house photo from Cote de Texas blog

I'm running out to dinner to celebrate my son's 20th birthday, but I just had to share a post from one of my favorite blogs by Joni at Cote de Texas. Joni is just wonderful and she knows design! Now, I am not personally acquainted with Joni, but I have been following her blog Cote de Texas for awhile, after it was recommended to me by a dear friend.

Unlike yours truly, Joni blogs several times a week and her posts are always worth reading. She is truly a design and decorating expert. This week her post is about small stylish houses and it is a must read for anyone living in a smaller house or anyone who loves beautiful design. To see Joni's fabulous post just click on Cote de Texas.



P.S. I'm trying to get Charlie back.


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