
World Class - The New Crocker Art Museum

Crocker Art Museum and the New Expansion
 The Crocker Art Museum has been a Sacramento treasure since the original building, once the home of the Crocker family, was given to the City of Sacramento and the California Museum Association in 1885. The historic buildings heve been married to an expansion project that has tripled the Museum's size. This new expansion designed by the World Class architecture firm, Gwathmey Siegal and Associates Architects, opens this Sunday to great fanfare. It is where I will be spending my Sunday! (And I will be taking pictures!)

The Original Crocker
The Grand Opening Celebration runs from 10AM to 10PM and will include performance by the Sacramento Youth Symphony, Choir and Jazz Band, Salsa, Indian, Mexican, African and Irish Dance and music, Art Car Fest 2010 (the largest gathering of art cars on the West Coast) and at 9:30 a Laser Light Show.

For all of the details, click on over HERE.
Neo Crocker 2010
Next Saturday, October 16th, The Crocker will be hosting Neo Crocker 2010, a Modern Culture Party featuring the talents of Rjd2 with fashion show, fire dancing, films and more. It looks like another fabulous night at the new Crocker!

For more information about the illustrious history of the Crocker and how far it has come, please take a look HERE.

Also, great articles all about the young Crocker Curator in Inside the City, page 18, and the Contractor for the new expansion on page 36 HERE!

I hope to see you there!


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