
Do You Iron Your Sheets?

We've been having many discussions about bed linens at work this week since we are sourcing them for clients. This lead to more discussions about who irons them and who doesn't and how often they change them. I have also been dealing with linens at the Bachelor Pad since he is out of town and I thought it would be nice if he returned to find the bed dressed with the new linens. I spent more time than I would have liked trying to iron the sheets and shams with a sad old Black & Decker iron that will be replaced on my next trip to Gracious Home. And then I wondered what will happen when I'm not there to deal with them. The cleaning lady changes them but I can't imagine her ever ironing them!

Anyway, I only iron the tops of my flat sheets since that is all you see and all the shams. Some people iron the flat sheets while they are on the bed. Others have their "housekeeper" iron the tops in between washings while on the bed. (That's a bit strange since technically she's ironing "dirty" sheets.) I also hear Oprah likes to have hers changed every other day but when you're a billionaire I guess you're entitled to clean sheets whenever you want them. So I'm curious, do you iron your sheets? Do you think people who do are crazy or just very particular? And how often do you change them?

All linens and photos from Leontine Linens


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