
Will Wick

The cover of the latest Western Interiors was graced by the work of Will Wick. The issue is dedicated to smaller homes, but Mr. Wick is able to make this San Francisco residence appear luxurious in size. He also combined heirloom furniture pieces with new finds making everything feel modern and fresh:

For example there was a pair of traditional drum tables flanking the sofa in the Living Room that he topped with organic tree trunk lamps. Very unexpected, but it gives the space a humorous edge. Instead of the expected Oriental area rug, he uses a goatskin rug to change things up a bit.

In the Family Room, he uses soothing light colors with just one punch of color in the art to expand the smallish space into something that seems much larger. Gorgeous!

For many more photos from the Wick Design Group's portfolio, be sure to check out this post from Desire to Inspire.

I believe I have a new crush!


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